Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Listening and Learning

After having gone through the "stress" of fessing up to my actions its all kind of hit me. I am lucky to even be living right now, to be in a house where i am safe, to wear shoes, to have a bed, to go to school even. All of these things are a blessing. About the whole sign thing, i did not have to turn in the sign to the police department, I had to go over to Jennys house and talk to her. I had to tell her what I had done, disappointment is much worse to have to deal with than anger. I would much prefer someone to be angry at me than for them to be disappointed. and i have the feeling that I'm not the only one who would feel this way. But i had to tell Jenny everything that happened that night, and how i even brought my little sister along with me. (that had to be the stupidest part of the evening) She kept telling me that she was disappointed especially since i know better, but that she forgave me despite my actions. She could tell that i had learned a lesson through the event and that it would never happen again. It was a good week of learning for me. I am lucky to now have a man who will never leave me or forsake me. and will love me despite my imperfections. And whats crazy about this guy is that i really don't mind sharing him with you. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


so, school started last week, and since school has started i have been met with some pretty severe lessons. not from school, mind you, but from my newly aquired accounatbility partner, Beka Goins. I had the opprotunity to talk to a police officer about the 3-way sign that i was apart of stealing some months ago. I also got to talk to the guy i had a crush on about how things weren't going to work out since i already have another man.... God. :) so yea, this week has been fairly eventful, and i do believe that tomorrow i will be going to the police department to turn in the sign that i stole. There is a possiblity that i will be arrested, however, he said that 99% of the time they will only give me a stern talking to. sooo, i am hoping that i am not the exception to this rule.. lol well i guess we shall see, and if it so happens that i do end up getting arrested then all i have to think is "what do i deserve". death would be the correct answer according to God, and the only reason i would get out of the severe punishment would be grace and mercy. So, i honestly deserve to be put in jail for stealing someone elses property, but its not my choice. And i am planning on only making choices that are what God wants instead of being the selfish human that i am and believing that I am the ultimate one who makes decisions about my life. This life isnt about me, its all about God, and ive been missing that.
