Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Control Freak

     I recently got a pretty painful wake up call from God. I figured out that I am kind of like Sarah (you know..from the story of Sarah and Abraham?) in at least one area. I am a control freak. Now, don't be shocked, I DID know this about myself and have known for quite some years, but I hadn't really ever compared myself to Sarah until recently. I mean, just look at her story. She couldn't have children, so she gave Hagar (her servant) to her husband to be his (second) wife in order that they might have a family line. Hagar did what Sarah asked of her, got pregnant, and kinda rubbed it in Sarah's face. Obviously, Sarah didn't take too kindly to that. I mean...who would? BUT, think about this. SARAH started this. SARAH wasn't patient enough to wait for God's timing. SARAH gave her husband another woman. SARAH. But who was angry? Sarah. What the poop? Sarah had no one to blame in this situation aside from herself! And as I read that...I got to thinking, "Well, that's just silly. You can't have it both ways, sweetie. You want children. But can't have them. You send in your maidservant. But don't really want her to be able to have children either? Or your jealousy is overtaking you so you throw a little hissy fit?...Sarah..Sarah...Jen...crap....that's me!"
     For those of you that haven't heard this golden nugget of a story yet, a few days ago I was at the Wyandotte County Fair. I invited Adam and his family, and when they were unable to make it, I checked with my Aunt and cousins. My closest cousin, Mattie, was able to come, so we set out on our little adventure to our childhood ;) One thing I dislike about our culture is the necessity for everyone to be on their phones all the time. Don't get me wrong, I can be that person sometimes..and for that I apologize (it's something I am actively and painfully working on). But as our culture would have it, my cousin was snapchatting and texting away the whole ride/beginning of our visit to the fair. As fate would have it, the Langs were able to come (at least most of them were!) and that was exciting :) We all met up and I realized at once that this night might turn out differently than control freak Jenna planned. And that's no good. I'm like the hulk sometimes..and you won't like me when plans change (or when we're running late) (again...two more things I am currently working on). So, as the night went on, I found myself torn between wanting to spend time with Mattie and wanting to spend time with the Langs, and realizing that because of our texting problem, I would have to choose one or the other at any given time. And as I've said, I don't like choosing, I just like things to magically fit together perfectly all the time just as I want them to be. Well..life. I don't even know why I said that...but I'm keeping it there. Moving on! I had an attitude problem all night. I may not have made it super evident, but I was definitely feeling it, and as much as I tried to let it go and give it to God, I kept dwelling on it. Well, after a series of events unfolded, I had a moment to myself where I was able to text my friend Grace. I asked her to pray for me because I knew I was in the wrong and needed to have a change of heart, and I couldn't do it on my own. So, she prayed for me. It didn't feel like anything changed. I mean it did at first, but then everyone was back together again, and I got my attitude right back. So, I texted her again. "Why is this so hard? I don't want to be irritated!" Or something along those lines. My cousin had decided at this point that she was going to catch a ride to our aunt's with a friend (which was later shot down by her mother, so she came home with me as planned). So, now I'm cranky, and looking for my cousin on a fairgrounds I've never been on before. Cool! Luckily, at this point, Adam had pulled me aside to check how I was doing. I think he caught on about that time that I was being a grouch butt for no known reason. I told him everything, and felt significantly better. But when I get angry, I always feel like crying afterwards. So, my anger had diminished, and he stuck around to help me find my cousin. His family headed home as we set out to look for Mattie.
     Luckily, we found her and her friend pretty quickly! I let her know a few minutes before that she needed to head to the front so we could head out. As we talked and walked to the car, we passed a sewage truck. Adam and I (mostly I) walked through some of the run-off...which is disgusting when you think about it. Adam jokingly nudged me towards the truck, saying I should touch it. Which I vigorously declined, of course. So, Adam touched it instead. And of course, he reached out to touch me, since he knew it would be funny and he was trying to cheer me up. And the thing is....I knew that trailer hitch was there. I had just seen it. I planned on NOT hitting it. It WAS further away...in my head. But as I turned to run away from his sewage hands ;) what met me was a hard, thick, piece of metal straight to my thigh and kneecap. Now, I don't fall down much. I honestly don't. I'm sure many of you have seen me trip, lose my balance, or whatever, but falling is not my thing. I'm not graceful mind you, I drop my phone all the time, but my person rarely gets seriously injured. Well, trailer hitches (in my many encounters with them) are not forgiving. I hit that hitch incredibly hard and flipped over it. I (nearly) faceplanted, luckily I only grazed my ear somehow, and I jumped back on my feet out of sheer embarrassment and shock. I heard several things as this event unfolded. "Is she alright?" yelled some man across the fair. Sweet. Onlookers. "You're cousin is terrible! She's laughing at you!" my cousin's friend stated. "I am a terrible person, I was trying to cheer you up, and I've just made things worse! I'm gonna feel terrible about this for a while!" Adam said. Now, if you've ever seen a little kid get hurt, you'll understand how this all worked out. It hurt. But, it didn't hurt that bad, at first. I got up and started giggling a little bit after hearing that Mattie was, but as soon as Adam wrapped me in a hug and asked if I was okay, I just burst into tears and replied, "No.." Well, I was okay, I had a severely bruised ego in the moment, but that fall is just what I needed. I had pretty much given my anger and icky feelings to God, but I hadn't been able to really release all of that pent-up emotion. I got to bawl. That's good for me. God knew that I need to be knocked off of my high horse of "I should get x amount of quality time with Mattie and Adam when I want it!" He gave me a heavy dose of embarrassment, but also supplied me with two of the people I love the most to laugh it off with. He gave me a memory that will (hopefully) keep my attitude in check and in perspective next time I decide to be a brat. I needed God to kick the funk of out me and that's just what he did. I wasn't angry about falling and getting embarrassed (like I normally am in those situations), I was actually thankful that it had happened. I knew I needed it. Now I have a significant welt in my thigh, and a bruised knee to remind me at least for a few more days, that I don't get to be in control. I am not God, and I need to step down and live in God's love instead of in Jenna's selfishness. It's hard, because control is something that I have struggled with for years, and I know that I'm not going to be perfect over night (like I wanna be), but God is doing a number on me and I am blessed beyond measure to fight these battles with him by my side.

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