Monday, April 16, 2012

Waiting on your Prince Charming

     There is so much that I can talk about on this subject. There are a lot of you girls that I hold especially close to my heart. I enjoy seeing your hearts, spending time with you, and getting to know you more all the time. You are all so precious, and it kills me to see you looking for love without ever finding it. We all wanna be loved, and I swear probably 90% of my blogs are about this, but it is a never ending cycle it seems. We are fed these images of beauty, love, and perfection from the time we are born. We see models, princesses, and happily ever afters on every television screen. We get this idea in our heads that in order for us to have this happy marriage and happy life, we have to be just like them. We have to be perfect physically (like all those models and Disney princesses), we have to be good at cooking, cleaning, and being perfectly behaved. We can't have a personality, unless the guy we pursue desires certain behaviors from us. We can't ever get mad, or be moody, or have any friends outside of him. LIES! We need to have close relationships with other women, young and old, mature and immature (be careful that they don't rub off on you), and let me repeat, other WOMEN. Guys are great, they are fun to hang out with and way less dramatic (generally) than girls, but they can't give you the kind of relationships that you need in another girl. I am the first to admit my mistake in that, I grew up a tom-boy and I was not fond of girls by any means. In any grade from elementary to high school, I had a maximum of 2 close girlfriends, and close to 20 guy friends. That is not healthy. Guys are great, but girls are what we need. 

     Some of you date constantly, one relationship this week and a new one the next. Why? We are all searching for love, but we can't find that in a boy. We can't. Only God can give us the love that we are desperate for. When you expect that from a guy, you are destined for disappointment. They aren't going to fill you up in the way that you deeply desire. Trust me, I know. I was boy crazy too, and pretty much anything that moved I had a crush on (boys of course, not ANYTHING that moved). Some were nice guys, others were jerks, preppy or nerdy, it didn't matter because I was just looking for someone to love me. Just like you are. I didn't realize that they could never give me what I really needed. 

      There are others of you that keep going back to the same guy that keeps doing you wrong. It kills me to see that, and know that there is so much better out there for you. You girls are amazing and you are cutting yourself short by staying in this unhealthy relationship. I know it's hard when you become close to someone like you do in a dating relationship to say "No." and to just walk away. Though it may hurt at first, I promise you, it is so worth it. 

     I know that you girls think that dating in middle school or high school is not really a big deal, but it does something to you. It causes you to give someone a part of your heart, even if that person does not become your spouse. Do you know how hard it is to tell someone you love, the things that you have done in a relationship that you regret? It sucks. There is a safe way to date, I'm not saying the first person you ever date has to end up as your husband. Something to think about, every time someone touches you , kiss you, have sex with you, or whatever it may be, even holding your hand. That is  first that you now cannot give to your spouse. Anyone can have sex. Anyone. You wanna know what really shows perseverance? What really shows strength, self-control, and power? Not doing those things. You girls (and guys too) can have sex and end up being like a majority of the other kids, or you could wait. Something I heard that has always stuck with me is this, there was a girl making fun of another for being a virgin, the girls response was simply this, "I can be like you any day, I can go out tonight and lose my virginity...but you, you can never again be like me." I understand that some of you can't save this for your husbands because you've already had sex, but just because you have done it, doesn't mean you have to keep doing it. From this point forward, you can say that you are a restored virgin. You can look your husband in the eyes at the altar and say that you waited for them. I don't care if you have had sex before or not, but one day your prince charming will come knocking, and I know as well as you, that you want to have a happily ever after.  

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