Friday, February 3, 2012

This has to change

Oh my goodness women...I simply do not understand you. I am a woman, and I don't understand how we work, or why we do what we do. But ladies...I am ever so disappointed in how we often act. I have to say before I start into this, I used to hate girls. We have too much drama, we are way too emotional, and honestly, sometimes I see this used as an excuse to do whatever we want. We are insecure, when there is no reason for that, and really we blow everything out of proportion. I found that, by going to Ozark, I don't hate girls. I just don't like when we are fake. Ladies, I know that we all want love. We do. Deny it if you wish, but I see past that mask. I have never met a girl that didn't want love. Maybe not romantic love necessarily, but love. Love from our parents, love from our youth pastors, love from family and friends. We live on love. We thrive on love. And when we don't get love, we seek it out. In all the wrong places. I love all the girls that are reading this, I'm sure of it. Because, I've found that girls are really easy to love when they are real. I know we all have masks we hide behind. Masks of "popularity," masks that show we "have it all together," masks that cover up the hurt with a cute little smile. I know we have those. We are afraid of rejection, of not being good enough, and of missing the right guy. There are so many fears when it comes to love. I understand that. But what we really have to think about is how we are pursing this desire to be loved. Are we tripping over ourselves trying to get just anyone to like us. Are we chasing down boys that will fulfill our selfish physical desires, the desire to be wanted and needed? Or are we following closely behind God, dancing with Him, until He lets the right man cut in? I have a feeling that most of the time, we are just running. Running from God into the arms of any man that will have us. Why? Why do we do that? You don't want to be hurt, yet you let yourself change and mold into the image of lust for some boy. Why? Girls, I am disappointed. In myself, in you, in us. I've allowed myself to do some of the things that I hate seeing girls do. Dressing immodestly to attract attention to themselves. Flirting with anyone that would give me attention. I know I've been sheltered my whole life, and a lot of you don't think I understand where you are coming from, but we all struggle, we all stumble, but God can always lead us back to Him. Do you really think a guy who "loves" you for your body, loves you? If so, you're fooling yourselves! I have gone to lunch with girlfriends who's shirts were so low-cut that I couldn't help but see! And I am a girl, I don't wanna see that. How do you think a guy feels? You are setting them up for failure. Why do you think that there is a lack of chivalry, and good men in this world? Why? Not because they aren't out there, because I have met a ton of nice, Godly men, but because we are proving to them that they don't need to be. They don't need to honor and respect us. Because we don't honor and respect ourselves or each other. We tear each other down, and dress like we just want "love" for the night. You don't want that. I KNOW YOU DON'T. I know it's hard. It's hard to be modest. I get that. The culture tells us the less you wear, the more attractive you are. That's simply not true. It tells us that you need make up to be beautiful. IT'S A LIE! Gosh. I wish you could see yourselves in the eyes of Christ. Or even in the eyes of other girls. You are beautiful. You are. You don't need to show off your body. That is something that should be reserved for your husband. What good is it to go from relationship to relationship? You are setting you and your future husband up for divorce! Do you want that? I know you don't. Don't you want a healthy marriage? Don't you want to look back on your life and tell your kids without regret that you lived your life for Christ? I know that many reading this have lost their virginity, or have gone far enough that you don't feel like there is any going back for you. I'm here to tell you you're wrong. All sin is equal in the eyes of our Father. All sin. Sexual sin included. You can always start over. You can be a renewed virgin, patiently waiting on your prince. Ladies, you can't tell me it's impossible to wait. You can't. I have known tons of women who have waited, and I've met tons of men who have too. It's possible. It might be hard, and God never said it would be easy, but it's worth it. I'm 19 years old and have only ever kissed, and I have decided that from here on out I'm saving my next first kiss for my husband and only him. We can join together to protect each other's hearts, to keep each other accountable, and to remind each other of the love God has so willingly poured out on us. God knew what He was doing when He told us to wait. He wants this to be special, and when we treat it flippantly, we are telling God He's wrong. I love you girls, so much. I want the best for you. I want you to know that you don't have to dress, act, or be a certain way to get a guy. You don't have to lean on drinking, smoking, exploiting yourself, to find a guy. Sure, all those things might get you one, but that's not the kind of boy you're going to want. I promise. You deserve better. You are better. You are loved.

Watch this, this kid has some of the best advice on the topic

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