I was standing in the back window of the Mcdonalds that I work at and
I had a thought (random, but sometimes we get so slow that I just
stand back there and do literally nothing).
So, as I was saying, I started thinking of people. No one in particular, just people in
general. And how we treat them. And why.
I have come to find that fast
food workers are very much dehumanized in our society. We give them
little to no respect and treat them as if they have no purpose in life
other than to feed our face. Honestly, this doesn't generally bother
me, I know that the way I'm treated at work will only be for a time.
Respect is shared among managers and coworkers, but the customers can
make or break our entire day. I have seen young women almost in tears
because of the way hungry, grumpy customers have treated her. It's
just food, why do we put more emphasis on eating our 8th meal than we
do on treating those providing it to us as a child of Christ? It's
simply mind boggling. I have personally been sexually harassed
(verbally), asked out to parties, and screamed at, all from the
comfort of my back window. I have had a gun pointed at my face, a
woman scream at me for her food (even though we were just held up), and hugged more
than my fair share of crying coworkers. It's also very stereotypical
to think that everyone who works in fast food is a "failure".
"They couldn't get a better job than this?"
"Honey, that's why you should go to college, so you don't end up
working at Mcdonalds."
Some (in fact a large percentage), of us work here TO GET to college.
Many have had way more successful jobs before and were laid off. And
some just need a fresh start. So I would suggest that the next time
you go anywhere be it fast food or to your best friends, that you
would realize that everything you do or say can effect the people
around you.
I have been having some of the crappiest days and have one of my
customers change my entire perspective. Working at Mcdonalds isn't all
this bad stuff that ive worked it up to be. I have received some of
the nicest (and most strange) compliments. From having a nice voice to
have the "perfect question mark shaped head" (I was assured that this
was a compliment by the 70 something lady, Betty, that I see
regularly). I've had little adorable boys ask me for my number and
tell me I'm pretty (even though I'm in a Mcdonalds uniform) and all of
these things have effected my day more than they know. Keeping my
spirits up and helping me to be a better person to the customers that
come through.
I only hope that all of us will take this to heart and carry out the
love of Christ everywhere. Even if it's just to Mcdonalds.
whaaaaaaat??? somebody pointed a gun at you????? where are they!? let me at 'em! seriously though. when did that happen??
ReplyDeletegood post by the way :). something people don't like to think about. It's easy to assume people have jobs at places like Mcdonalds due to their own poor decisions. But everyone we see and meet, whether they work in fast food or they ride on a garbage truck, are human beings. with hopes and dreams and a past. every single one of them loved by God. and you hit the nail right on the head :) Show Christ's love everywhere, and to everyone :) thanks for posting :)
Excellent post, Jenna! I couldn't agree more. I worked at Hardee's (often scrubbing toilets) and served on the graveyard shift at Country Kitchen. Both were very humbling experiences. In fact, teaching high school is often more humbling than I'd like to admit. But through it all, God's love can shine through us in how we react to those who often treat us poorly. I know you know this and I hope you know how proud I am of the beautiful young woman in Christ that you are!