Friday, August 21, 2009

The Starting of a New (school) Year

Oh my goodness, it seems like summer has just flown by. I cannot wait to get back to school, so I can see everyone again, it's so exciting. The only bad thing about this year is that I have no fun classes. This year is gonna be tough. I don't want to stress about it, but I have a tendency to want everything to go perfectly. If it doesn't.... well I get worried.

Thinking about life after high school also makes me nervous. I am not set on what I want to do as a career, and I feel like the longer I wait the less I know. Another thing about college that scares me is the fact that I won't be as close to home. I have seen a few people over the years move out and go to a college far from home, but I just don't think I would be one of those. I am pretty set on going somewhere close where I can live with family, if not my parents then my grandparents or aunts. I also don't want to go far from the church. It has always been my safe haven and I don't want to be apart from it and everyone in it.

Work has been going well, but I feel that once school starts it's going to be hard to juggle work and school and family and friends. I know though that with God all things are possible, so I place my trust in him.

Everything will work out how He wants it to.

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