Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jamaica Adventures - Post #1

I have been in Jamaica now for about 3 days. Ironically enough, though I have been studying about cross-cultural ministry, I did not expect much of a culture shock to take place. Jamaica has English as the main language and the natives also speak Patois, but I did not expect that would be much of a barrier. I was wrong to assume that culture shock would pass by me! Until today I had been very discouraged and felt incredibly isolated. Those of you who know me well understand that I can get along with nearly anyone and overcome the awkwardness that comes with meeting new people; however, I am also an introvert, so arriving on site and finding out that there were 40 volunteers already at the children's home was a difficult revelation. In case you don't know, having a ton of people around from your home culture makes integrating yourself into a new culture, whose rules you do not yet understand, exceedingly more difficult. There have been many times throughout the course of the past several days where I would have to force myself to leave the Americans and work on bonding with the Jamaican pod moms and children.

I have always thought of myself as good with children. In America, I know how to discipline a child in such a way as to show my love for them while also making sure they have consequences for their wrong actions. In Jamaica, I did not know the rules, the Patois that the children and pod moms speak so quickly to one another, the accent, or the names of the children or pod moms. In fact, I did not even know what was expected of me! I am quite a structured person. I like order. Schedules. Rules. In fact, I have been told that I oftentimes like rules too much! So, everything about this trip thus far has forced me out of that comfort zone. I have finally acclimated to the accent, so I can now understand what the children are saying to me when they are speaking in English. Because I have been intentional in forcing myself to get away from the easy to understand Americans, I have begun to develop good relationships with the pod moms and most of the children. I am not quite sure, but I think the children are testing me. Disobeying just to see if I will remain consistent in my rules. I think they are learning that their cute little faces cannot convince me to let them get away  with things that they are not supposed to do.

             God has been faithful. I was close to writing off cross-cultural mission work the first couple of days because the children were so disrespectful and rude and structure seemed nonexistent. But! The directors and pod moms have encouraged me greatly to be patient, flexible, and unselfish with my time. Their encouragement has helped me to keep my focus on God and remember that culture shock is something that most people experience when entering a different culture. I cannot convince myself that I do not like children from a couple of rough days with them, because I love children with my whole heart. There will be hard days where I question why I am here and if I am even being used for the Kingdom in my work, but I trust that God has opened this door in order that I might become more like Him and maybe I will be granted the privilege to minister to the heart of some while I am here. God is good and His love endures forever.  

             Ways you can be praying for me: 

- Pray that I would be brave. It is easy for me to not speak up and ask questions because I am worried about bothering someone or seeming needy. However, I do need the help of others and there is nothing wrong with that. Pray that I would seek to love the people here as fully as I can through understanding them more fully and pouring my time into them. 

- Pray that I would not allow myself to get too distracted by technology, and attempting to get my introvert time. I need to find a healthy balance of being with people, being alone, and being with God. Because of my rooming accomodations, it would be far to easy for me to isolate myself more than is necessary or healthy for the deepening of my relationship with God and the people. 

- Pray that I would be faithful to God's leading in my life. I need to practice patience, discipline, understanding, grace, and flexibility. These children are God's children and I need to love them as God does. Pray that they would soften towards me and see the love that I have for them. An intern that has been here for 2 months has struggled to get the children to respect her and stop with their rude behaviors. I pray that we can overcome this struggle. However, if God wants this to be a time for me to continue to love when there is little reciprocation, I pray that He would sustain me and help me to love them in spite of their behavior. 


  1. I'm so glad that you're there. I can see really clearly how much God wants to work through this experience. You are where you are supposed to be. Take comfort knowing God is in control and you are never alone.
    Love ya!

  2. I'm glad you made it there safe and sound :) I'm excited to read about how your mission unfolds, where God maybe challenges you some (sounds like He's already up to it) and how He uses these next few months to help you and the children grow in Christ. You're awesome, Jenna! I'll continue to pray for you, keeping in mind those things you have asked us to pray about. God bless!

  3. PS- your sister cut my hair the other day. Went well, only lost 2 pints of blood.

