I know that personally, I have found it hard to stay in the Word. I know it sounds awful, but I have (many times) found it...well to be blunt...boring. I couldn't get into it. I skimmed the words without really taking in how it applied to my life. I know that I am not the only one who struggles with this. But I have also found that parts in the Bible can be more than interesting. At our small group one week we were talking about a verse in Matthew that people tend to skip over.
Matthew 27:51-53
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The TOMBS broke open and the BODIES of many HOLY PEOPLE who had DIED were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they WENT INTO THE HOLY CITY AND APPEARED TO MANY PEOPLE.
......Dead people, walking around. It's like a zombie apocalypse. I had never, EVER, read that part of the story. Or at least if I did, I wasn't paying any attention. THERE WERE DEAD PEOPLE WALKING AROUND AND TALKING TO PEOPLE! How freakin scary would that be. Imagine your great great grandpa was Moses, and he had been dead for years then he all of a sudden showed up at your door...Freaky! I don't know about you, but I laugh out loud every time I hear that verse now. I find it incredible that people just don't see God's humor.
I guess we just expect that people in the Bible experienced God in a different way then we do. But why? We see people who have lost their pulse, come back from the dead. But we blame that type of stuff on our new technology right? Imagine if you were in a graveyard, right now, just visiting and people started coming out of their graves. Would you not pee your pants? I would! I would probably pass out...or maybe pee my pants and then pass out. I cannot imagine having my grandparents come to our house after they have been dead for years..
God has some pretty intense stories in there that are there for us. Not just as stories, the Bible is LIVING AND ACTIVE. It still applies. Sure, it was written a longggg time ago, but it still applies. God works through it to this day. People say that God no longer speaks to His people, but I beg to differ. I hear God all the time. I hear Him when I turn on my radio, and Air1 plays the song that I just needed to hear. I hear God when I hear my baby cousins giggling their rears off after a tickle fight. I hear God when I talk to my mom, my sister, my friends. I hear God when I am in the lowest pit, in the depths of despair, and He speaks directly to my heart. I hear God when I hear my favorite birds song. I hear God when I go to a CIY conference and I stop singing to hear His people worshiping Him with abandon. I hear God all the time. He still talks to me. He still talks to you. We just need to hear Him.
Another thing that kinda bothers me is the fact that we can't "see" God. I have heard the excuse that we can't see God, so why should we believe in Him. That's crazy, just look at the people in your life, the trees on your block (I friggin love trees), the babies in your family. How can you not see God in the face of a child. The innocence and pure love that an infant displays is a perfect picture of the God that I serve. I see God everywhere, and when I don't see Him, it's when I am closing MY eyes and MY heart to His creation.
God doesn't call us to fit it, He doesn't call us to go with the flow. Or do whatever is easiest and less painful. He calls us to go into all the world for Him. It's not about us guys. It's just not. God should be the center point for all that we do. God needs to be our life support. If we rely on the world or on people, we will only be let down time and time again. But God will not let us down, He is always there to bring us through every trial or tribulation.
And we can't wait until tomorrow to do this.
We need to rise up NOW. Guys, I know procrastination. I am the best at it, but when we let procrastination come before God, our priorities get all out of whack. We can't wait anymore. God doesn't call us to follow Him..tomorrow, three weeks from now, or on our death bed. We are called to GO. NOW. Not when we are done with school and not when we are "grown up". God used kids like us all the time, and He still does. We can do such incredible things for God if we just get past our own selfish desires and start serving God first, instead of ourselves.
He has given so much for us, so why is it so hard for us to give our time and energy for Him? We are lazy, I am lazy, and it needs to stop. Laziness is getting in the way of our relationship with Christ and nothing should be more important than the Alpha and Omega.
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