Monday, May 16, 2011

Heroic, Beautiful, Love

She's a nurse, a taxi driver, a counselor, a chef, a landscaper, a therapist, banker, a secretary, an accountant, and most importantly a God fearing woman of faith. Who is this crazy awesome woman?? Well, you might be surprised, but she's my mother. Sure she's not paid for all these jobs, but she preforms them daily. She has kissed away pain, driven me all over town, held my hands and my heart as I let myself fall apart, made amazing food out of seemingly nothing, kept our gardens looking gorgeous, given me advice that I would have never thought of, helped me learn finances and given me any money I've needed, she really is a secretary as her job, she keeps our budget under control, and she's been the most influential person in my life. Without a woman like her in my life, I would not be who I am today.
She has literally changed every part of my life, for the best. She helped me see God when all I saw was pain and anger. She reminded me that no matter what was going on, she'd be there. And she was. She is the most incredible woman that God EVER put on this earth. There is literally no one else that I would want as my mom.
Throughout my life, I have had many ups and plenty of downs. I have been insecure, proud, haughty, angry, sad, and all the extremes in between. And somehow she stuck with me through all of them. I don't know if I could have had the same patience that she's consistently shown me. She does so much and has done so much for me that I can't even begin to go into all the details.
My mom is an incredible woman that constantly surprises me with her endurance through all things. She has shown me exactly what I want to be like as an adult. How to endure through pain, hurt, anger, happiness, and stress. She has taught me how to be a mother (even though I'm not one yet, one day :)), she's taught me how to be a God-fearing wife, how to respect those in authority, how to anything and everything that one can think of. She is more amazing then any blog I write will give her credit for. I can only say that without her I wouldn't know God, I wouldn't know where I want my life to go from here, and I definitely wouldn't be the God-fearing young adult that I am working to become daily.
So thank you so much mom, for being you, and helping me become who I am. I love you so much. And without you.... I have no idea how my life would have turned out.

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