Today, well actually a few days ago, as I was watching the snow fall, I realised that our lives are much like the snowflakes. Beautiful, but soon gone.
Some vanish as soon as they hit the ground, some stick around, and some, let's be honest are a little cold. Our lives just like the snowflakes are intricate, delicate, unique. Not one is the same as any other. We are all beautiful, but easily broken under foot and we melt under pressure.
We don't want to become too icy and cause others to slip and fall. We also don't want to be so soft that others can walk all over us. I think all would agree that the perfect kind of snow is soft, but easily packed. That means we must be open for growth even whits it's not comfortable, and also keep our eyes on God by showing His glorious love.
We can fall softly among the lilies or get smashed on the windsheild of life. We are blown in the wind in hundreds of different directions, no two will ever follow the exact same path.
Snowflakes can also apply to the type of friends and family that you have. Just like with our own lives some of the "snowflakes" that we have come to love will leave sooner than we would like. Those people are ones that God brought into our lives for a time, but never meant to stay there permenatly. We have to learn to let go of those.
Other ones are there for a much longer, and make a really deep impression in your heart. When these people leave our lives it is much more difficult to handle.
But God will never leave our sides no matter what we may go through. He is always going to be there for you to lean on.
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